March 21, 2010

A Dream

The other night I was really super tired but I couldn't fall asleep, I felt like the song Fireflies by Owl City, I hadn't had much sleep for the past couple days, and now I was too tired to sleep. So for about 3 hours I was in the Twilight Zone - half asleep, half awake, and half in a dream - and in the dream I had, I didn't recognize anyone's face, they were all completely new to me, which kind of surprised me because I know that dreams usually incorporate the character's faces from people you have talked to or seen recently, but I couldn't recognize one single face. Usually I can recognize some, but I also don't usually remember my dreams, but when I do, I know at least three of the characters in real life. Also, because I was half awake, I knew I was dreaming, so whenever something went wrong, I just fixed it by saying, well this is my dream anyways, so boom. I dreamed I was in some sort of mall and then wind from nowhere started blowing like craziness, so hard in fact, that people were flying out of the place and others flying in. I remember this couple was having an argument and then they guy blew away and was exchanged with another guy and then the girl blew away and was exchanged with another, and this just kept happening it was also happening in a circular motion, it's hard to explain, but basically is nature took three couple who were arguing and mixed them up with someone else in the three couples until everyone was happy. It was very interesting, and then I just woke up right then and thought, "Dang, I don't think that a dream could get more confusing than that and still be realistic (in the sense that they were the same three couples and they switched around about 50 times in only about 3 seconds)," but it was much more complex than what I was able to explain. I don't really want to write the rest because this seems to be a longer post already, but if you want to know the rest, then comment saying so and I will post another one.

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March 20, 2010


I think I may start reviewing and critiquing movies on this blog; I can't really think of much else to write on here. Unfortunately though, I am only good at critiquing movies while I am watching them, so I will not start that until I get a laptop so it will be easier for me. Well, I can't think of much else to say in this post, so I guess I will just end it, because basically what I am trying to do is add a post everyday, though I know that won't really happen, but I guess I could try.

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March 19, 2010

Should Farmville Be Removed From Facebook?

Well there is a very simple answer for that question, and the answer is, "Yes!" A better question would be, "Why should Farmville not be removed from Facebook?" Ever since Farmville came out, it has been all the rage, but for what reason? The most action you get on there is getting annoyed that you didn't click soon enough so your crops died and now you have to redo the whole process. How can that be any fun? People are getting so addicted to that game that they don't go to work anymore. It is causing more people to just stay home and sit on the computer and do absolutely nothing. What do you get out of playing that game? You get absolutely nothing, you just sit there,, "Ha ha! I just got $50." "That's great, now we have enough to get that TV we've been saving up for." "Oh...I didn't mean real money...I meant on Farmville. But, I can buy a TV on Farmville though." The game is completely pointless, and people wonder why everyone is getting fat, well here is one reason, people get addicted to stupid, pointless, online games, and then they sit in a chair all day, staring at a screen, getting no physical movement besides the finger clicking, no exercise or anything, then they get blood clots in their legs and when they go to the hospital, they get mad because they don't have any money to pay for the medical bills because they don't do anything except Farmville all day and then they wonder why they are getting blood clots and they get mad because they are in pain. But when they get back home, they don't change what they do, they just go straight back to Farmville and not working, and gaining weight. What will it take to get it through their heads that they need to stop playing Farmville, for their sake, and their families? How far will it go before they finally just give up on Farmville and get their life back and their families back and become social again? Please not much longer.

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March 18, 2010


Ugh, I hate this part of blogging, it, for me, is probably one of the hardest parts, and that is trying to think of something to write. I want to be able to post stuff more often, but then I am struck with the decision of what to write about, and I can never think of anything. So right now I am just writing this and this is pretty much just a waste of time to write because I am writing about writing, well I guess maybe someone could possibly read this, but I don't know. So if you ever do start a blog, you should just make it one topic, and don't label it "Everything" like I did. So if you have anything that you would like me to write about go ahead and tell me because I am clear of ideas.

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March 17, 2010

People's Reviews

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I don't think it matters because I don't think that anyone reads this blog, but anyways, I made a website at the beginning of this month, called People's Reviews, it is a website where you can rate and review and rank anything and everything.from products, to companies, to general everyday things like paper. So if there, by chance, is someone reading this, you should visit that site at Also I need to make two more websites, one next year and the year after, so if you have any ideas on what the should be for or about, use the comments to tell me, thanks.

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