January 18, 2010

This Blog

Alright so, I got a new template for this blog, it's pretty cool looking but there are a few things that I don't like about it.

One of the main things I don't like about it is the comment box, you can't just scroll to the bottom to write a comment. You have to scroll to the top and then click where it says comments, and then it will reload the page with the comment box. That could get annoying though especially if you read the post and then you want to comment, but then if it was a big post, then you have to scroll to the top to click the comment button. I think I will start adding a "Top of Page" link to the bottom of all my posts to make it easier and if I can. I could probably go through the html/css coding to fix the comment thing, but it would take a long time and I don't want to waste my time doing that.

Let's see if this works....Top of Page I hope it works!

Alright, I just tested it, and it does work, so I will just add that to the bottom of all my posts and go back and add it to my "Lockerz.com" post.

Another thing I don't necessarily like about it is that for some reason or another, it made the search button text go white, so now it just looks like there is a search box with a blank button right next to it. Or at least it looks like that on my computer, leave a comment if it looks differently on yours. If it does look blank, it is supposed to say "Search" and you can see it if you highlight it with your cursor.

Now for the thing that isn't the template's fault but this website blogger.com's (or maybe it's my browser's fault I am not sure yet). Anyways, if you have made a blog using this site, then you are more likely to know what I am talking about. In the "Page Elements" tab of the "Layout" tab, it is a drag-and-drop interface, where as I choose where The posts and widgets go on the page. If you are reading this before I fix the problem, you will see that there are four side tab things that look like they are attached by binder-type rings and the first three are filled, but the fourth one is blank. This is because when I try to drag and drop anything, my cursor is about two inches below the item it is grabbing - this is hard to explain but I will try anyways - and I can't bring my cursor low enough as to where an item will fall into that fourth slot. If you know how to fix this problem, please, feel free to comment and tell me how.

Well I think that is all that I don't like about the template. If you want this template for your blog or another webpage thing, you can download it here http://www.raycreationsindia.com/template-details.aspx?templateid=8. Also I put a chat into this blog so just in case you randomly want to talk to me you can do so with that chat box. It is a private chat box and only you and I will be able to see the chat so don't mistake it for a public chat box. I don't really know how often I will put up posts either, but you can still follow this blog, right now I have no followers, so follow this and help make this blog more popular (even if you don't check back). Also if you have any suggestions of what I should talk about or do with my blog, feel free to comment, but please do not spam or curse, use anything inappropriate, or bad. The comments are monitored and will be deleted if I find it bad or offensive or inappropriate in anyway, and yes, I do consider cursing a bad thing, people need to be more mature than that.

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