July 19, 2011

Some Good Advice Part 2

Alright, here is part 2 of 5 of the quotes I mentioned in my last post.
  1. "Learn to ask why. Many kids in high school just study for a test. If they don't understand it, they just give up and memorize an answer that makes no sense to them. Sometimes you have to do that when you run out of time, but you are shortchanging yourself.
    Learn good study skills. Imagine you had to explain the stuff you're learning to someone like you. If you have trouble doing this, you probably don't get it, and should seek answers.
    Exercise when you can. Run, lift weights, play sports.
    Don't be shy. Talk to people. Learn to smile. Say hi. Be interested."
  2. Respect yourself, respect others. That's not the same as yelling "RESPECT ME!!!" to random strangers in the street. The former is internal dignity and self-esteem, the latter is a show of anxiety.
    Work as hard in school as you can. In school, as in the life beyond, always be the person who knows what they're talking about. Do not ever let peer pressure do the 'cool' thing and not study hard.
    People do not 'give you money for free'. When someone approaches you with an unbelievably good deal [money or otherwise] find out what their motive is. If something is 'FREE!!!' ask what it costs and make your facial expression show that you fully understand that there'll be some kind of cost somewhere down the line.
    Learn at least one other language. It's not that hard but it does take time.
    Your life is the sum of your experiences. Look for enriching experiences, learn and apply the learning all throughout your life.
    Be honest to people, it will show them you are reliable [also: understand that there are a lot of dishonest people. You can regret that but you're not going to change it so don't fret about it].
    Nobody dies wishing they had spent more time at the office. Absolutely nobody. First and foremost do what you enjoy doing and be fantastically good at it.
    Money is a tool to pay for things, that's all it is. If your life centers around the all-consuming need to have more money than you have a practical use for, there's something else missing in your life [but: there is no honor and very little joy in deep, grinding poverty. Nobody truly wants to live under a bridge].
    Love with all your heart. When the time comes, go for it. Keep in mind there's a better than fair chance you'll get burned badly by the process. Don't think you're the first, don't think you'll be the last.
    Avoid injury.
    Do not become dependent on a substance. Addiction is not sexy and it most certainly does not make you look cool. If it ever occurs to you that 'you can handle it', ask yourself why you would even want that.
    Make a positive difference in the world. Let the world be a better place for having had you in it.
    If you can, become the highest you can aspire to be as a human: be a teacher, a mentor. It is one of the most essential, valuable things you can do in life [this is not necessarily becoming a teacher, there are many ways in which you can teach people. Find a way that suits you]. You're just 14, I wouldn't worry too much about that one just yet. Something to keep in the back of your mind.
    Make sure it's stable.
    It's better to be a producer than a consumer.
    Have a great life."
  3. "Always keep $100.00 in the bank for emergencies. Real emergencies like you need a textbook you didn't know about, or you need emergency contraception. If you are considering a big decision, give it six months (if possible) and then reconsider. If you still feel the same as you did six months ago, you are probably doing the right thing. Everything in moderation. Don't take your teen years too seriously. Even some of the worst heartbreak will seem silly in a decade or two. Don't worry about the jerks at school. The geeks are all the coolest people from school now. Good grades are worth the effort. Don't start smoking. Nothing good comes of it."
  4. "Live your life - it's your life - you are the captain of the ship. Don't ever let someone control where you sail...unless it's part of your strategy."
  5. "Learn Microsoft office programs thoroughly and try to learn some other programs in your spare time. They become important when you're trying to get jobs.
    Have fun and don't stress too much. Keep in touch with old friends."
  6. "Never let yourself get out of shape."
  7. "Find out what you want to do as a career. My parents heavily persuaded me to do pre med in college. I was a biochem major for three years and hated it. I discovered my true passion for finance during my senior year. Although I'm currently unemployed, I have never looked back on my decision. It was one of the best ones I've made. They say that when you love what you do, you don't have to work a day in your life, and it's true. I can read finance 8 hrs a day and love it."
  8. "Start working out, learn to enjoy it. Do it 3 times a week for 40 minutes. It goes by fast man. 20 mins running, the rest lifting. You will get fat at either 18 or 28. "
  9. "Listen to your parents. They're usually right - you just won't realize it for a few years."
  10. "don't try to grow up too fast. the older you get, the faster time will go."
Again, if you want to go to the original page where I took all these quotes from, you can find it here: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/isezb/advice_for_a_14_year_old/.  I did not edit, in any way, any of the quotes in this post.

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